
Lisboa, itinerários poéticos e turismo cultural

Novembro de 2011 - Rio de Janeiro 

Comunicação "Lisboa itinerários poéticos e turismo cultural" apresentada ao Seminário Internacional “Espaços culturais e turísticos em países lusófonos”, no âmbito de
Pós-Graduação em Arquitectura da Faculdade de Arquitectura
e Urbanismo da UFRJ (PROARQ), Rio de Janeiro 22 a 25 de Novembro de 2011.

A presente comunicação foi publicada em: ”Espaços Culturais
e Turísticos em Países Lusófonos – Cidades e Turismo. Org Luiz Manoel Gazzaneo. Coleção – PROARQ, UFRJ – FAU. Rio de Janeiro, 2011. p: 100-116. ISBN 978-85-88341-40-1;


This communication derives from an investigation that is being developed as part of a PhD in design at the Faculty of Architecture of Lisbon, and in which we consider poetry as Intangible Heritage of Lisbon. In this sense we propose to carry out a reflection about the importance of Intangible Cultural Heritage (PCI) as an element of cultural differentiation as well as the role that it assumes in the uniqueness and spirit of places and the cities and in the identity of citizens. We also analyze the processes and methodologies used in the communication, promotion and consequent preservation of PCI, particularly in the context of design intervention as well as cultural tourism. We will discuss briefly the problems faced by cities in an era of accelerated globalization, in which differentiation and cultural homogeneity are realities to beware. Finally we will identify needs and strategies of cultural tourism in the Portuguese universe and in particular the city of Lisbon

Keywords: Intangible Heritage. Design, City, Cultural Tourism  

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